Month: December 2020



It is a dark time for the rebellion.” Err…I mean…for anyone who confidently believes that the content they share on Facebook/social media inherently belongs to them.The question of whether or not a platform like Facebook is an appropriate, healthy, protected means of expressing one’s personal thoughts and innermost feelings is a legitimate one. Who owns these expressions once the user posts them to Facebook? Today I explore this issue and how it pertains to my decision to create THE WALL OF TUNES blog.

The Problem with Facebook

Despite Facebook’s apparent transparency on the matter, the actual truth regarding who owns the content of posts is a murky one. The official company line (statement of rights and responsibilities) maintains that the user retains ownership. Deeper dives into the finely printed legalese, however, reveal that these protections are not universally exclusive. Facebook claims shared rights to intellectual properties published on its platform. That’s right – your personal photos, videos, performances, artwork, etc. are theirs to do with as they please once you click “share.”


Mark Zuckerberg’s track-record as a serpentine, amoral sociopath precedes him. That said, Facebook’s dubious, hard-wired policies regarding “fair use” of intellectual property should surprise no one. He knows that the average user is either too trusting or too numbed by ambivalence to ask questions when digitally signing their rights away .

Lacking the will to sift through the ultra-fine print of the voluminous Facebook user agreement, we all surrender ownership of everything we post the very second we press “accept.” Our pictures, stories, and reactions – everything ultimately belongs to them as blood payment for the “free” service they provide.


However the lawyers and money behind Facebook frame things, the truth is that this practice is a hustle; an exploitation; a con. Corporations and organized crime are almost indistinguishable where tactics are concerned. They are like mobsters who, rather than leverage information to extort money or “favors” from their “marks,” legally sell it off outright to corporate data farms and God knows what else. And then those entities, in turn, without our express knowledge, use that information for their own financial benefit. On and on and on it goes.  

Of course, Facebook isn’t alone. Remember those tracking “cookies” websites insert in your browsers…? It’s the same thing. They all exploit our information for personal gain (corporations are “people,” too you know). But that doesn’t make the practice any less sucky. We all should know by now that terms like “right” and “wrong” are complete abstracts where the law is concerned. Money makes sure of that.

Either way, if I’m pouring the essence of my singular mental-spiritual stew into anything, I want reasonable assurance that my intellectual property is legally my own and no one else’s unless I expressly say otherwise. Acceptable exceptions may include contractual payments for commissioned works, proper employment agreements, donations for charity… You get the point.


For years, I’ve used Facebook like a public journal; cathartically sharing alternately passionate or passing thoughts/opinions on subjects ranging from family to music to politics with “friends,” far and wide. However, of late, I’ve obviously questioned whether social media was a suitable vehicle for this kind of elaborate self-expression. It’s fine for sharing proud family moments, pet pics and brief quips, sure, but not really suited to extended, meaningful discussions. Unless we mean to unleash the instant internet rage machine, that is.

The thing is – I’m not really a meaningless chit-chat kind of guy. I’m no good at it. If interested at all, I almost always want to dig deeper, regardless of the subject – to the point of distraction. Conversation that doesn’t evolve beyond the congenial, unoffending passing of time is unsatisfying. No one walks away any the wiser. I often feel that I don’t have a lot to contribute in these situations and grow mute. Of course, on the other hand, I do feel bad sometimes when the uninitiated make the mistake of humoring my tendency to blather on endlessly about…whatever.* Wind me up and I just…go.

* A mistake that you, my audience, are no doubt realizing right now (smile).


THE WALL OF TUNES was conceived to serve as a new outlet (dumping ground) for in-depth musings about the subjects I’m passionate about – principally life and music, music and life. If it grows to the point where I can make a living writing about what I love, I won’t lie – that’d be nothing short of life-affirming. But I’m not interested in being yet another hipster-cool influencer masquerading as an all-knowing beacon of objective authority. This blog is all about relating subjective experiences. I’m not a slick professional hoping to capture the attention of all-powerful corporate media gods. I’m just here to be me.

I have strong opinions about what qualifies as “good” and “bad” but I’m not irrationally immovable. I respect the fact that other people are entitled to like what they like. My tastes aren’t for everyone, either. I often hear sheer genius in musics mainstream listeners deem too weird to be listenable, so I get it.

Agree with me. Disagree with me.
Write a comment and start a conversation.
It’s all good!

Welcome to the Wall of Tunes!


Welcome to the Wall of Tunes Header

Part I

Once upon a time (a few days ago), while still firmly devoted to the idea of developing a blog that covered just music, I set out to find a title that related in a very specific, personal manner to this subject that occupies the largest, most favored territory in my pop-culture nerdom. The Wall of Tunes was always my first choice.


Several years ago, my wife (the Mayor), ever the nurturer, graciously honored my desire to rescue our music collection from certain doom in a cold, damp Michigan dungeon. Thus, by reallocating wall space in the home “office” to this end, The Wall of Tunes was born. To this day, I wonder if she fully understood what she was getting into.

At first, the Wall was confined to roughly 3/4 of a shallow-depth 4′ x 7′ shelf we rescued from the garage. However, it’s since spread completely out-of-control like a…super-cool…virus (?). Today, much to my own amazement, it covers 3/4 of the entire 10′ x 8′ wall area and then some.

Our first amendment was the right-side addition of a 4′ wide shelf – half of which accommodates my old component stereo system and our modest combined record and cassette collections. This segment of the collection, by-and-large, remains stable. For better and for worse, the inflated value of vinyl right now has all but eliminated opportunities for inexpensive additions. Nosireemaam, the main offender is cds.

Ever since the digital revolution tanked demand for hard-copy media, cds just get cheaper and cheaper to attain; making holes in the collection easier than ever to fill. The main shelf is stuffed almost beyond carrying capacity. I had to make auxiliary space across the room solely for discs with paper/cardboard sleeves.* I can’t (won’t) help myself. It’s like…helping the collection to fully live up to its name has become my life’s driving ambition. It’s our own little library of congress…

* Vertical stacking was damaging the delicate packaging – and that will not do.

Origins OF A NAME

Our daughter (the Kid) was still a wee little person when the collection took up permanent residence in the room next to hers. Even at such a young age, she recognizing the significance of this monumental happening! Moved by the power of maximum musical awesomeness, she crafted a sign that officially christened the cd shelf “The Wall of Tunes.” It was perfect!


Of all the passions I’ve indulged in my lifetime, none have been more enduring than my love of music and fascination with those who make it. To be clear – I’m not a proper musician. Absent formal training, I can offer few sophisticated insights into music theory. Regardless, whatever my shortcomings, I’m compelled to listen intentionally, analyze what I’m hearing, and discuss with others who share my passion, if not always my conclusions. Twenty years ago, I even considered committing my thoughts to writing but, ultimately, shelved the idea.

Fast forward to about three years ago. Consistent positive feedback on my Facebook musings re-ignighted the idea of creating a dedicated forum for my writings on music. Of course, once I began researching the availability of “Wall of Tunes,” sure enough, found that belonged to an obscure record label based in India. INDIA!!!  They have a Facebook page and everything (many LOUD NOISES)! Awesome. Now what? 

Desperate for fresh inspiration, I consulted with the court of public opinion (FB friends) and contemplated alternative titles. At one point, the term “forte” – used in musical notation to indicate “loud or strong” – struck a chord (pardon the pun) because, well, I tend to like things loud. However, harboring no illusions that mere ownership of a drum set played with all the skill and refinement of an angry baboon* makes me a proper musician, this choice seemed false.

No, something more befitting a devoted fanboy/collector was in order.

* Seriously, though… My playing isn’t that bad. It’s just that I’m not studied enough to be worthy of such a refined, academic term.


Hmmmmmmmmm… What about something completely random like “Ostrich Genitals” or “Underwater Necromancy?” No…? Ok.

What if I copped my name from a favorite song title? The Flaming Lips always had some great ones (“Psychiatric Explorations of the Fetus with Needles”). Meh. Too long and weird for the normals. Plus, the novelty would only qualify as “original” to folks who aren’t familiar with the songs. Hmmmmm…

How about something straightforward and literal, such as “Vinyl, Plastics & Magnetic Tape?” That sounds ok, but the redundancy kills it for me (vinyl IS a plastic).

I floated plays on my given name, as well, but that wouldn’t do. I’m (supposed to be) smart. Surely, I could find a more imaginative way to brand my work than resorting to transparent narcissism… Oh! I could have called it “Get Off My Lawn…” Most of the stuff I write about is considered “gramps” music now, anyway. “Spleen?” Yeeessh! Sounds like the name of a 90’s grunge clone band. Negative.

Ahhh, well. SOMETHING else would have come, but my creative process is like that of Dr. House: a lot of wheels spin before satisfactory solutions pop loose. No thank you (blowing a raspberry).

It’s settled then. My first choice it is.

I like “THE WALL OF TUNES.” It’s personal, it’s right and it’s MINE, precious.

Greetings and salutations! Welcome to THE WALL OF TUNES!

Join me next time on The Wall of Tunes for…

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